Arka School
Physics Laboratory

Arka School CBSE has well-equipped laboratories for imparting practical knowledge in Physics. There are three laboratories for each of the science subjects. The aim of having separate labs is to provide ample time and adequate equipment for every student to perform the experiments as per the CBSE standards. Our physics laboratory is well-stocked with sufficient instruments so that every student gets the opportunity to carry out the experiments individually.

Well-qualified and experienced teachers guide the students to explore the world of science through a meticulously planned schedule of practical classes. Moreover, the safety of every child while handling instruments is duly taken care off.

Chemistry Laboratory

Arka School CBSE has well-equipped laboratories for imparting practical knowledge in Chemistry. There are three laboratories for each of the science subjects. The aim of having separate labs is to provide ample time and adequate equipment for every student to perform the experiments as per the CBSE standards. Our Chemistry laboratory is well-stocked with sufficient chemicals so that every student gets the opportunity to carry out the experiments individually.

Well-qualified and experienced teachers guide the students to explore the world of science through a meticulously planned schedule of practical classes. Moreover, the safety of every child while handling the chemicals is duly taken care off.

Arka School
Arka School
Biology Laboratory

Arka School CBSE has well-equipped laboratories for imparting practical knowledge in Biology. There are three laboratories for each of the science subjects. The aim of having separate labs is to provide ample time and adequate equipment for every student to perform the experiments as per the CBSE standards. Biology lab is well-stocked with sufficient specimens so that every student gets the opportunity to carry out the experiments individually.

Well-qualified and experienced teachers guide the students to explore the world of science through a meticulously planned schedule of practical classes.

Computer Laboratory

A hi-tech computer lab with Internet connectivity is provided to make the students tech and to keep them abreast with the latest. It teaches not just computer science as a subject, but also, the integration of computer skills for learning of other subjects in the curriculum. In future there will be two separate computer labs for senior and junior students, with following equipment.

  • 1. Multimedia Systems5. Separate Headphones for each user
  • 2. LED Colour Monitors6. Fast Internet connectivity round-the-clock
  • 3. Optical Mouse7. Online UPS for System Backup
  • 4. MS-Internet Keyboard8. Networked Environment
Arka School
Arka School
Maths Lab

To teach the basic as well as difficult and abstract concepts of Mathematics, the Math Lab is optimally utilized as a hub of stimulating activities for students of all age groups. The Maths Lab practicals help the students to appreciate the utility of Mathematical Operations in their daily lives.

Digital Classroom

A digital classroom that is fully immersed in technology is one of the highlights of our school. These classrooms rely on educational apps and websites to enhance students’ learning. Feedback loops and technology are also important parts of a digital classroom. Feedback loops in a digital class ensure that students receive input from their educators in a timely manner. Technology is the most visible part of this type of classroom and encompasses hardware, software, operating systems and social media channels.

Arka School
Arka School
CCTV Surveillance

The School is under CCTV camera surveillance, which is used to provide surveillance and to monitor and keep track of all the activities that take place inside the premises of the school. This surveillance activity is done with complete awareness on the students’, parents’ and teachers’ parts. CCTV surveillance system in our school is a way of ensuring a safe, secure and healthy learning environment for children. We always consult with experts to work out the most strategic places and have installed CCTV cameras in every vital place in our school.

Fire And Safety

Needless to say, implementing these fire safety measures in schools are vital. Our school is equipped with latest fire and safety measures. We also educate and prepare students for a fire emergency as a priority every year. We also conduct fire drills in which everyone participates.

Arka School